T: 0191 487 8566
Former Dessert shop on a busy main road. Suitable for a variety of uses.
Convenience Store opportunity under construction. Available July 2024.
Free car parking to side of property. Suitable for a variety of uses.
Double fronted shop unit in a busy parade with external parking.
Busy location in suburban area. Suitable for a variety of uses.
Double fronted sales shop with rooms above. Located just off High Street.
Grade II Listed property in the heart of the town. Suitable for a variety of uses
Shop unit on Chillingham Road suitable for a variety of uses.
Fully refurbished ground floor premises. Suitable for a variety of uses.
Highly visible location. Suitable for a variety of uses.
Main road location close to town centre and car park
Extensive building suitable for a variety of uses. Landlord incentives available.
Former coffee shop suitable for a variety of uses. Popular residential area.
Large double fronted unit on prominent corner location.
Former first floor nightclub suitable for a variety of leisure uses but not as another nightclub.