T: 0191 487 8566
Prominent corner location on a busy junction. Suitable for a variety of uses.
Modern unit in the heart of Low Fell. Salon plus treatment rooms and free on street parking.
Former sandwich shop. Located on a busy main road and suitable for a variety of uses.
Prime position in the heart of Gosforth. To let by way of an assignment
Former sandwich bar suitable for a variety of uses. Adjacent to Howdon Metro station.
Extensive premises suitable for a variety of uses and with High Street frontage.
Former restaurant suitable for a variety of uses located within the town centre.
Part fitted unit located within a thriving suburb. Rare opportunity.
Former butcher suitable for a variety of uses.
Former Estate Agents suitable for other office or retail uses. Highly visible position on High Street.
Located within the main shopping centre. Suitable for a variety of uses.
Spacious premises in town centre location suitable for a variety of uses.