T: 0191 487 8566


Development Opportunity

Hexham £450,000 Freehold (fees apply) REF: NE2064


The property is located at the junction of Battle Hill with St Mary’s Chare the heart of this very popular market town approximately 15 miles due west of Newcastle upon Tyne.

The town is characterised by stone architecture, cobbled streets and historic buildings with a blend of boutiques, high street favourites and regular outdoor markets.

There are numerous restaurants and coffee shops within a town which also benefits from its own racecourse, theatre, cinema, golf course and leisure centre. There is also a busy railway station with regular services to Newcastle and Carlisle.


This Grade 2 listed property comprises a four storey stone built corner building with a two storey extension and single storey block to the rear.

Ground Floor             2,290 sq.ft. (213 sq.m.)

Basement                   870 sq.ft. (83 sq.m.)

First Floor                  1,400 sq.ft. (131 sq.m.)

Second Floor             1,140 sq.ft. (106 sq.m).

Planning Permission

Change of use was granted in October 2022 for two retail units and a flat on the ground floor with another 5 flats on the upper floors and parking to the rear.  Full details are on the Northumberland County Council planning portal under application no. 22/00742/LBC.  


Rating TBC


The premises are assessed as follows:

5 Battle Hill      Rateable Value £37,000

31 St Marys    Rateable Value £21,000


We are verbally informed that the premises are available on a Freehold basis.  Interested parties should seek legal confirmation of this.

Money Laundering Regulations:

In accordance with the current Anti-Money Laundering Regulations the Purchaser or Tenant will be required to provide two forms of identification and proof of the source of income.


If you'd like to know more about how we work, give us a call on 0191 487 8566, always happy to help.

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