T: 0191 487 8566

Under offer

Part Fitted MOT Garage

Longbenton £36,000 per annum Leasehold (fees apply) REF: NE1733


This premises form part of the busy and popular Longbenton Industrial Estate which is located off the A191 Whitley Road. The surrounding area is a mixture of residential and commercial premises and there have been a number of new housing schemes completed nearby.

Access is straightforward with good links onto the A1058 Coast Road and A19 Trunk route.


Comprises one large garage which up until recently operated as a busy MOT centre before the previous operator relocated.  The landlord has subsequently refurbished the site and there are 2 post and 4 post jacks inside the unit.

Designated parking facilities are located directly outside the unit and any new tenant can get up and running fairly quickly subject to compliance and suitable certification.


The property has been measured in accordance with the Code of Measuring Practice and reported on a Gross Internal Area basis as follows:

Ground Floor

Main Garage              circa 3,335 sq.ft (310 sq.m.)

Customer Reception

Staff Room



Designated Parking  3 - 4 spaces.


Rating TBC

Business Rates

The premises are listed on the VOA as;

Rateable Value           £  TBC


The unit is available fully fitted and equipped on a new lease for term to be agreed. The commencing rent is £3,000 per calendar month (£36,000 per annum).

Legal Costs

Ingoing tenant to be responsible for the landlord’s legal costs in the preparation of the new lease.

Money Laundering Regulations

In accordance with the current Anti-Money Laundering Regulations the Purchaser or Tenant will be required to provide two forms of identification and proof of the source of income.


If you'd like to know more about how we work, give us a call on 0191 487 8566, always happy to help.

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