T: 0191 487 8566


Miscellaneous (19)

North East Commercial handled the sale of our offices. Although it was a tight and difficult market at the time they advised us about a realistic valuation and sale details at a competitive fee.  All the personnel within their office where informative about our particular sale whenever we contacted them.  They also regularly updated us about the sale progress to a satisfactory conclusion.

AL, Tynemouth

We worked with the NEC team on the lease of our new premises at Walker Terrace, Gateshead.  I found them to be pragmatic and highly efficient at all times.    It was great to push a deal through that was win-win for all concerned and NEC was integral to the success of the whole project.     We couldn't  have completed so quickly without their assistance and this was very much appreciated.  Well done!

JC, Gateshead

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